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Strategic Plan Progress

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To promote the value of the ID specialist

  • IDSA-led Research
    Informing payers and policymakers about research showing that early intervention by ID specialists saves lives and reduces healthcare costs.
  • ID Compensation
    IDSA has developed a tool kit (log in required) to help IDSA members make the case for ID compensation. IDSA is committed to funding additional research in this area through conducting studies and surveys of ID compensation to accurately reflect the wide array of services provided by ID physicians.
  • Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services (CMS)

    IDSA continues to urge Congress to direct the Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services (CMS) to undertake research needed to revalue Evaluation and Management (E&M) Codes. IDSA has developed ID-relevant measure concepts and proposed them for adoption to CMS. HIVMA tracks implementation of HIV quality measures, weighs in with CMS, and has participated in the AHIP CMS Core Measure Collaborative.

  • Telehealth Technology
    Helping IDSA members understand and adopt these tools in the clinical practice of ID, including applying telehealth technology to antimicrobial stewardship.


To attract the best and brightest to the field of ID

  • Fellows In-Training Exam
    Through the Fellows In-Training Exam, IDSA gives ID Fellows opportunities to identify areas in which they need additional programmatic instruction and self-directed learning.
  • Maintenance of Certification (MOC) modules

    IDSA offers several modules to help members earn MOC credits, including modules on hepatitis C, HIV, adult vaccines, and travel and tropical medicine.

  • IDSA Medical Scholars Program
    Summer research project offers $2,000 scholarships for medical students in the U.S. and Canada.
  • HIVMA Clinical Fellowship Program
    Grants of up to three years for medical students support longitudinal clinical learning or research projects in HIV.
  • iDMentorship365
    Opportunities for medical students, residents and ID fellows to explore IDWeek with experienced mentors and to build career-long relationships.
  • IDWeek
    The premier conference in the field offers numerous exclusive opportunities for medical students and residents.
  • Research Careers Meeting
    An annual two-day meeting for medical students, residents, and ID fellows gives participants a chance to hear from leading ID physician scientists about frontiers in medical research and career development, to present their own research, and to visit the NIH campus.
  • Clinical Careers Meeting
    An annual meeting for ID fellows who are interested in clinical practice; includes sessions on skill sets and interviewing for clinical practice positions.
  • Medical Student ID Interest Groups
    IDSA offers $500 stipends to support ID Interest Groups at local medical schools to inspire the next generation of infectious diseases physicians and researchers with talks, journal clubs, film screenings, workshops and networking events.
  • Medical Education Community of Practice
    IDSA is leading efforts to coalesce the medical education community through a new IDSA Medical Education Community of Practice whose purpose is to support IDSA members to become better teachers of all learner groups, and support and advocate for the career development of IDSA members on a clinician educator pathway, through the development of opportunities to include skill-building, community-building, mentorship, and creation of scholarship.
  • All-In Match
    IDSA has adopted an “All-In” Match Policy to help ensure the integrity of the ID Match. The policy is intended to provide applicants the opportunity to fully evaluate all programs and make optimal choices to suit their needs, and allows programs to compete equally for available applicants.
  • Online Resources
    Online Resources and social media campaigns help medical students and residents evaluate career opportunities in ID.
  • Fellows' Subcommittee
    The IDSA Fellows' Subcommittee provides input from young ID professionals to inform IDSA initiatives, including ways to foster interest in the specialty.
  • Workforce Study: Analysis of the NRMP-SMS Match for Infectious Disease for 2016-17 Appointment Year and Trends Over-Time
    IDSA is conducting a physician workforce analysis and needs assessment to inform further interventions.


To promote ID leadership in antimicrobial resistance and antimicrobial stewardship

  • Antimicrobial Stewardship
    IDSA continues to support ID professionals in antimicrobial stewardship through clinical practice guidelines, a new “toolkit,” the development of a curriculum for fellowship training programs, and sessions at IDWeek.
  • Combating Antimicrobial Resistance
    Promoting the central role of ID specialists in combating antimicrobial resistance, including providing input to the U.S. Presidential Advisory Council on AR and the UK’s Review on Antimicrobial Resistance group, which recommended investing in the ID workforce.
  • Antimicrobial Stewardship 
    Promoting ID’s leadership role in antimicrobial stewardship, including working to ensure that stewardship is a condition of participation in Medicare, and is “physician led.”


To continue to produce useful, timely, and relevant guidelines


To promote ID/HIV research and its clinical translation

  • HIVMA Clinical Fellowship Program
    The HIVMA Clinical Fellowship Program has trained 17 new physicians to provide HIV care in under-served communities under the supervision of an HIVMA mentor.

  • Research Funding Resources
    IDSA prioritizes advancing research in infectious diseases and supporting members to pursue an active ID research career.


To advocate for essential funding for critical prevention and public health programs in ID and HIV

  • Advocating for strong federal research funding for ID and HIV

    IDSA has urged Congress to support research funding at CDC and NIH, and has worked to advance ID issues through the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI). HIVMA led efforts to challenge the flat funding of HIV research at NIH and to sustain funding for the HIV Research Network at AHRQ. Advocating for policies that reduce regulatory burdens for researchers, including revising the Common Rule for Human Research Protections, optimizing funding policies to improve the sustainability of research, and improving select agent regulations.

  • ID Workforce Issues Policy Brief
    This brief recommends actions policymakers can do to support a robust infectious diseases workforce.