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Antimicrobial Stewardship COE
Application Information

Apply to the Centers of Excellence program

Next application deadline: Cycle 1 - January 31, 2025

Applications for the Centers of Excellence program are accepted twice per year and processed as noted in the Application Timeline below.


Apply Now

CoE Application Timeline

Cycle 1

Cycle 2

Process Step


Jan. 31

July 1

Applications Due

Applications must be electronically submitted including supporting documentation.  Preview Application and Designation Terms & Conditions.

February – March

July – September

Panel Review

IDSA member panel reviews applications and assesses whether criteria are met.  

April 15

Oct. 15

Determination Date

Notification of panel review sent to the primary contact from application.

Approved applicants will receive an invoice for a two-year limited license to use IDSA names and trademarks subject to the Terms and Conditions of the Program
Licenses start either July 1 (Cycle 1) or Dec. 1 (Cycle 2).



Certificates Sent

Designation letter and certificate sent after payment has processed. 

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I submit an application?

Use the “Apply Now” button at the top of the page to submit an electronic application.

What is the cost to apply? 

Hospitals awarded the Centers of Excellence program designation are subject to a $5,000 fee for the two-year designation, but no application fee is required.

How do I submit required documents for my application?

Documents must be uploaded to the electronic application prior to final submission. 

Can an application be saved as a draft and completed or submitted later?

Yes, you can save your application before completion and return to it later. When you save the draft, your email address will be recorded as your username, and you will be prompted to set a password. You will receive an email from “” with a link to resume and complete your application.

What should I do if someone else needs to accept the Terms and Conditions? 

Save the application as a draft (see question above) and send the link from the email to the individual who will accept the Terms and Conditions. This individual should use your login to access the application, acknowledge the terms, and enter their name. The application can be saved as a draft for submission later or submitted. 

Are hospitals outside the USA eligible, as they do not submit data to the NHSN?

Yes, we accept applications from hospitals outside the USA, and the requirement for NHSN data is not applied. 

What happens if I submit my application after the deadline?

Applications received after the deadline will be carried over to the next cycle.

How will our hospital be notified whether our application was approved?

An email will be sent to the primary contact listed on the application with the decision of the review panel. If your hospital has been approved, this will include a letter indicating approval with designation pending payment of the license fee. 

If our application is denied, can we re-apply?

Yes, if your application is denied, you will receive an evaluation summary of the review panel findings, including recommendations for improvement to achieve designation if you wish to re-apply in the future. 

Our hospital’s previous designation expired because we did not renew. Can we submit a renewal application or do we need a new application?

You can submit a renewal application up to 1 year after the designation expires. Please contact the program team to receive a renewal application. If more than a year has passed, a new application will be required.

More Questions? Contact Program Team


List of Required Documents