Health Equity Equitable Care

This collection of articles and resources provides information and context on a variety of cultural and linguistic norms of multicultural patient populations, as well as tools for providing inclusive and equitable COVID-19 care of diverse patients. 


Outbreaks in U.S. Migrant Detention Centers – A Vaccine-Preventable Cause of Health Inequity
This perspective covers the high rates of vaccine-preventable diseases among detained migrants in the U.S. during the COVID-19 pandemic and conditions migrants endured. Authors suggest changes in data collection and public reporting. 

Structural Ableism: Essential Steps for Abolishing Disability Injustice 
This paper outlines how people with disabilities experience inequities and the relationship to COVID-19 and climate change.

Cultural Awareness Series - Hispanic Heritage Month: History Repeated or Paving a Brighter Future? 
This engaging panel discussion for Hispanic Heritage Month explores considerations in the advancement of technology and integrated care in the ID field. It provides recommendations, best practices and tools to strengthen access and limit health disparities for Hispanic and Latinx patient populations. Moderator was Mati Hlatshwayo Davis, MD, MPH, FIDSA and panelists were Lilian Abbo, MD, FIDSA, and Cesar Arias, MD, PhD, FIDSA.

COVID-19-Related Racism and Impact on Depression Trajectories Among Racially/Ethnically Minoritized Adolescents
Racially/ethnically minoritized adolescents may face unique risk for depression stemming from stressors related to COVID-19 and pandemic-related racism.

Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Excess Mortality Among U.S. Veterans During the COVID‐19 Pandemic 
This study used a validated prediction model to estimate expected mortality among veterans, relying on five years of data and controls for disease burden. 

Clinical Outcomes Associated With Overestimation of Oxygen Saturation by Pulse Oximetry in Patients Hospitalized With COVID-19 
In this cohort study, overestimation of oxygen saturation by pulse oximetry led to delayed delivery of COVID-19 therapy and higher probability of readmission regardless of race. 

Black Coalition Against COVID – Resources 
The Black Coalition Against COVID provides resources on COVID-related topics including dispelling misinformation. 

NAACP: COVID Know More Campaign 
The NAACP provided research, resources and stories to help ease uncertainties around COVID-19 infection through the COVID Know More Campaign. 

Building Vaccine Confidence in the Arab American Community 
The White House held a panel discussion with leading physicians and community leaders to discuss ways to build vaccine confidence in the Arab American community. 

Through Our Eyes, Hear Our Stories: A Virtual Photovoice Project to Document and Archive Asian American and Pacific Islander Community Experiences During COVID-19
This paper is a virtual photovoice project that documents the pact of COVID-19 on Asian American and Pacific Islander communities. As a qualitative participatory action research approach, photovoice is a tool to capture the lived experience of these communities that adopts a variety of digital learning and information-sharing platforms. 

Racial Bias Belief Related to COVID-19 Among Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians and Pacific Islanders 
The authors examined data from the COVID-19 Effects on Mental and Physical Health of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders Survey Study, in which participants rated the impact and experience of racial bias using the Coronavirus Racial Bias Scale. 

AAPCHO: COVID-19 Resource Hub 
The Association of Asian Pacific Community Health Organizations highlighted resources to address COVID-19 related stigma for Asian American, Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander communities. 

Provisional COVID-19 Deaths by Sex and Age 
This resource from CDC provides COVID-19 death rates by gender and age. 

The Sex, Gender and COVID-19 Project 
The Sex, Gender and COVID-19 Project tracked global differences in COVID-19 infection and illness by sex and gender, compiled the data into a data tracker and provided a prtal of COVID-19 health equity policy findings and resources. 

Government Responses to COVID-19: Lessons on Gender Equity for a World in Turmoil 
This resource published by United Nations Women highlights the gender inequities that have existed during the pandemic and what governments can do now to recover lost ground on gender equality. 

COVID-19 Testing among Refugees, Immigrats and Migrants: A Checklist for Health Departments 
The National Resource Center for Refuggees, Immigrants and Migrants provided a checklist of actions for health departments to help effectively plan COVID-19 testing among refugee, immigrant and migrant communities. 

FAQ: COVID-19 and Migrant, Immigrant and Food & Farmworker Patients 
The Migrant Clincians Network provided a resource for frequently asked questions received from their clinical networks on COVID-19 and vaccines for migrant, immigrant and farmworker communities. 

Top 5 Best COVID-19 Vaccine Resources for Migrants & Immigrants 
The Migrant Clincians Network outlined five COVID-19 vaccine resources to support reaching migrant and immigrant communities. 

Bringing COVID-19 Vaccines to Immigrant Communities 
A community clinci in Sacramento, California leveraged local partnerships to increase vaccine uptake by addressing the access, ;anguage and healthcare barriers for immigrant communities. 

We Can Do This 
A U.S. Department of Health and Human Service COVID-19 Public Education Campaign to explain who is at increased risk for severe illness from COVID, the availability of COVID treatments and the importance of early treatment. The campaign includes easy to understand patient education materials, in both English and Spanish, that include information from the U.S Centers for Disease Contol and Prevention and culturally tailored content from the campaign’s team of multicultural experts. 

Health Literacy Resources on Inequities & for Non-English Speakers 
The American Medical Association outlined an extensive resource list designed to improve access to critical information about COVID-19 and raise awareness about health equity in the context of COVID-19. 

CDC Communication Toolkit 
CDC provided a toolkit to help communicate with populations who may need COVID-19 prevention messaging in their native languages. 

COVID-19 ASL Video Series 
CDC American Sign Langauge video series on ways to support patient provider communication. 

Unidos COVID-19 Guide 
This bilingual toolkit provides COVID-19 resource for the Latino community, including shareable posts and graphics. 

COVID-19 Vaccine Access, Information and Experiences Among Hispanic Adults in the U.S. 
This edition of the KFF COVID-19 Vaccine Monitor presents key findings on vaccination data for hispanic adults that suggest that efforts to address information gaps and remove barriers will be imperative in closing racial disparities in COVID-19 vaccinations.  

Communicating With LGBTQ Patients 
This resource provided by the American Medical Association contains free learning modules to help clincians provide optimal care for their LGBTQ+ patients. 

Association of State & Territorial Health Officials: Health Equity and Health Disparities Resources 
The Association of State and Territorial Health Officials outlines resources to address health equity and disparities through response to COVID-19. 

Recommendations to Reduce the Spread of COVID-19 in Tribal Settings 
CDC outlined recommendations to help stop the spread of COVID-19 in tribal settings, including information on how to stay safe during ceremonies and gatherings. 

What Tribal Communities Need to Know About COVID-19 Vaccines 
CDC provided helpful information to enocurage COVID-19 vaccinations in tribal communities. 

Indian Health Services: COVID-19 
The Indian Health Services provided data on the COVID-19 case impact on American Indian and Alaskan Native people, as well as resources 

A COVID-19 Vaccination Program to Promote Uptake and Equity for People Experiencing Homelessness in Los Angeles County 
People experiencing homelessness have been disproportionately affected by COVID-19, yet their vaccination coverage is lower than that of the general population. The authors implemented a COVID-19 vaccination program that used evidence-based and culturally tailored approaches to promote vaccine uptake and equity for people experiencing homelessness in Los Angeles County, California. This program may serve as a moder for future service delivery in vulnerable populations. 

Evaluation of the Homeless Management Information System for COVID-19 Surveillance Among People Experiencing Homelessness 
The authors of this article in the Journal of Infectious Diseases explore and evaluate the challenges in the surveillance of COVID-19 among people experiencing homelessnss in Los Angeles County. 

Homelessness and Infectious Diseases: Understanding the Gaps and Defining a Public Health Approach: Introduction 
This article references data related to the context and risks of increased infectious diseases, including COVID-19, for people experiencing homelessness and describes the types of successful interventions. 

COVID-19 Vaccination Coverage Among People Experiencing Homelessness in a Highly Vaccinated Midwest County – Dane County, Wisconsin, 2021 
This study assessed COVID-19 vaccination coverage among people experiencing homelessness, stratified by demographic characteristics, in Dane County, Wisonsin. 

COVID-19 Vaccination Rates Among U.S. Adults With Vision or Hearing Disabilities 
Authors of this research study in JAMA Ophthalmology found that compared to adults without vision or hearing impairment. COVID-19 vaccination rates were lower among adults with vision or hearing disabilities, and additional research may be needed to monitor COVID-19 vaccination among this population. 

COVID-19 Vaccination for Children and Teens With Disabilities 
This page from CDC provides information on COVID-19 vaccinations for children and teens with disabilities, including how to request accomodations at vaccination sites. 

Voice of People With Disabilities During the COVID-19 Outbreak 
The International Disability Alliance provides stories from people with disabilities sharing their experiences with the COVID-19 pandemic and information on gaining access to COVID-19 vaccines. 

COVID-19 and People With Disabilities 
This webpage from the CDC provides information and resources about COVID-19 tailored for people with disabilities. 

Vaccines and Ramadan 
The National Resource Center for Refugees, Immigrants and Migrants provided a resource center curated by Ramadan faith leaders with key messages, videos, social media messaging and partnership ideas to support addressing potential questions or concerns about COVID-19 and vaccinations with members of Muslim communities. 

Outreach to Faith-Based Organizations During COVID-19 
This tip-sheet provides guidance for connecting and collobartaing with faith-based communities during the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Ramadan and COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy – A Call for Action 
Muslim scholars have advised that the COVID-19 vaccine is permissable during Ramadan, without invalidating the fast. Ali et al. address vaccine hestitancy, extending vaccination times outside of fasts and using mosques as vaccination sites. 

Pathways to Leadership: Reflections of Recent Infectious Diseases Society of America (IDSA) Leaders During Conception and Launch of the Inclusion, Diversity, Access, and Equity Movement Within the IDSA
IDSA leaders reflect on their pathways to leadership roles within the Society and highlight work that still needs to be done to achieve racial equity in leadership opportunities. 

Remembering and Enhancing the Impact of Women in Infectious Diseases
This Journal of Infectious Diseases paper focuses on the history of gender dispaities within IDSA. It outlines progress that has been made toward equity and key interventions required to maintain and increase female representation in membership and leadership, with the goal of achieving healthier outcomes for patients. 

Peering Through the Glass Ceiling: A Mixed Methods Study of Faculty Perceptions of Gender Barriers to Academic Advancement in Infectious Diseases
This paper reports a mixed-method study to explore gender-based barriers to advancement in acamdemic infectious diseases and proproses policy changes to address these barriers. 

Cultural Awareness Series: Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month, Part 3 — The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Patients and Providers
Panelists Peter Bretan, MD, and Ravina Kullar, PharmD, MPH, FIDSA, discuss the impact that the COVID-19 pandemic has had on Asian American and Pacific Islander populations in the final segment of this interview moderated by Tina Tan, MD, FIDSA. They discuss the factors that have impacted vaccine uptake and confidence in this community and the impact of increased racism towards health care providers.

Cultural Awareness Series: Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month, Part 2 — Addressing Workforce Barriers to Achieve Equitable Representation in Health Care
Panelists Peter Bretan, MD, and Ravina Kullar, PharmD, MPH, FIDSA, discuss removing barriers for individuals to enter the medical field in the second part of this interview moderated by Tina Tan, MD, FIDSA. In addition to sharing stories of their own pathways into medicine, the panelists also discussed ways to inspire the next generation of health care providers and the importance of engaging with students to encourage careers in the health care field to improve community health.

Cultural Awareness Series: Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month, Part 1 — Representation and Data
Panelists Peter Bretan, MD, and Ravina Kullar, PharmD, MPH, FIDSA, discuss the representation of Asian, Pacific Islander and Native Hawaiian populations in the field of medicine and the importance of disaggregation of data as a tool to better understand the cultural nuances impacting health care for different groups within these populations in the first part of this interview moderated by Tina Tan, MD, FIDSA.

Cultural Awareness Series: Asian-American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month – Addressing Racism in Medicine
Ravina Kullar, PharmD, MPH, FIDSA, moderated a discussion with Arjun Srinivasan, MD, and Tina Tan, MD, FIDSA, in recognition of Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month. In this final video interview, the group shares personal stories on the impact racism against Asian Americans have had on their careers and discusses ways to create safe spaces for both patients and providers.

Cultural Awareness Series: Asian-American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month — Acknowledging and Addressing Cultural Differences in Health Care Access
Ravina Kullar, PharmD, MPH, FIDSA, moderated a discussion with Arjun Srinivasan, MD, and Tina Tan, MD, FIDSA, in recognition of Asian-American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month.  In this second video interview, the group explores the cultural differences to be aware of when caring for the AAPI community, including the role of the family in making decisions on medical care, the use of alternative medication, the comfort in advocating for one’s care, and offers ways to address potential barriers.  

Cultural Awareness Series: Asian-American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month - Breaking Down Stereotypes and Redefining Leadership
Ravina Kullar, PharmD, MPH, FIDSA, moderated a discussion with Arjun Srinivasan, MD, and Tina Tan, MD, FIDSA, in recognition of Asian-American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month. In this first video interview, the group discusses the nuances and cultural context of Asian-American experiences, breaking down stereotypes and barriers to equitable promotion and what needs to be done to redefine leadership qualities for more inclusive representation of all health care providers.

Cultural Awareness Series: Black History Month – The Future of Equitable COVID-19 Care
Panelists Stella Safo, MD, MPH, and Taison Bell, MD, MBA, discuss with Mati Hlatshwayo Davis, MD what is needed to ensure equitable access to COVID-19 care and treatments for Black communities in the final installment of a panel discussion in recognition of Black History Month.

Cultural Awareness Series: Black History Month – The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic and Utilizing Trusted Messengers
In this installment of an interview led by Mati Hlatshwayo Davis, MD with panelists Taison Bell, MD, MBA, and Stella Safo, MD, MPH, they discuss the impact of the movements to address racial injustices that occurred as the COVID-19 pandemic was disproportionately affecting communities of color. The panelists also discuss the origins of historical mistrust of medicine by many Black Americans and the impact that has had on vaccine uptake. They share examples of trusted messengers effectively engaging in conversation about COVID-19 vaccines within their communities.

Cultural Awareness Series: Recognizing National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day
Panelists Taison Bell, MD, MBA, and Stella Safo, MD, MPH, address how lessons learned from the HIV epidemic can be applied to the current COVID-19 pandemic, including the benefit of team-based care and dismantling the stigma around testing positive, in a discussion led by Mati Hlatshwayo Davis, MD.

Cultural Awareness Series: Celebrating Black History Month 2022
Taison Bell, MD, MBA, and Stella Safo, MD, MPH, led by moderator Mati Hlatshwayo Davis, MD, discuss the importance of celebrating Black History Month within the medical community and taking stock of progress made while recognizing and refocusing efforts to address the impact of health inequities. Panelists also share perspectives on the different actions that Black Americans can take in celebrating this month, including taking time to rest. 

Celebrating and Recognizing Black History Month Part 3: Health Equity and Advancing Black Medical Professionals
In the final part of a video interview in recognition of Black History Month, Jasmine Marcelin, MD, FACP, FIDSA, moderated a conversation with Oni Blackstock, MD, MHS, and Christopher da Costa, MD, FACP, FIDSA, discussing the role that supporting Black medical professionals can have on impacting health equity.

Celebrating and Recognizing Black History Month Part 1: The Historical Context for Culturally Competent Care
Jasmine Marcelin, MD, FACP, FIDSA, moderated a panel discussion with Oni Blackstock, MD, MHS, and Christopher da Costa, MD, FACP, FIDSA, discussing the historical context for providing culturally competent care to Black patients.

Celebrating and Recognizing Black History Month Part 2: Culturally Competent Conversations on Vaccinations
Panelists Oni Blackstock, MD, MHS, and Christopher da Costa, MD, FACP, FIDSA, discuss culturally competent ways to engage patients in conversations about vaccinations in the second installment of a video interview moderated by Jasmine Marcelin, MD, FACP, FIDSA, in recognition of Black History Month.

Cultural Awareness Series: Hispanic Heritage Month and Lessons Learned During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Maximo Brito, MD, a member of IDSA’s Board of Directors, moderated a discussion with panelists Vincent Guilamo-Ramos, PhD, and Carina Marquez, MD, in recognition of Hispanic Heritage Month. Panelists discussed the rich diversity within Latinx cultures and communities and the cultural practices to facilitate health interventions. They also shared lessons learned during the COVID-19 pandemic, including ways to leverage community partnerships to support vaccine booster acceptance and accessibility to healthcare. The panelists also discussed practical ways to support pathways for Latinx students into the medical field.  

Cultural Awareness Series: Recognizing Hispanic Heritage Month
Carlos del Rio, MD, FIDSA, moderated a panel discussion with Lilian Abbo, MD, FIDSA, Angelica Cifuentes Kottkamp, MD, and Robert Rodriguez, MD, in recognition of Hispanic Heritage Month. Panelists discussed cultural nuances and practices for engaging in an effective and culturally competent patient- provider relationship, the impact the COVID-19 pandemic has had on the Latinx community and the progress made in developing pathways for the next generation of Hispanic physicians.

Cultural Awareness Series: LGBTQ+ Pride Month 2022 – The Evolving Impact of COVID-19
In the second half of this interview, panelists Raul Macias Gil, MD, Darrell McBride II, DO, and moderator and HIVMA Chair Marwan Haddad, MD, MPH, discuss the evolving impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on LGBTQ+ communities, ways to address barriers that limit quality of life and what the medical community can do to better support LGBTQ+ patients beyond the COVID-19 pandemic.

Cultural Awareness Series: LGBTQ+ Pride Month 2022 – Representation and Advocacy in Medicine
Panelists Raul Macias Gil, MD, and Darrell McBride II, DO, discuss the role of advocacy for LGBTQ+ rights in the medical community and how it has evolved and remains to be addressed with moderator and HIVMA Chair Marwan Haddad, MD, MPH, in the first part of this interview.

Cultural Awareness Series: LGBTQ+ Pride Month – The Future of Care
Thomas Fekete, MD, FIDSA, of Temple University moderated an insightful conversation with Marwan Hadadd, MD, MPH, David Malebranche, MD, MPH, and Hilary Reno, PhD, in recognition of LGBTQ+ Pride Month. In the second half of this panel discussion, the group shares their experiences caring for members of the LGBTQ+ community, and the trans community in particular, and discusses the changes they would like to see for the future of care.   

Cultural Awareness Series: LGBTQ+ Pride Month – Advocacy and the Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic
Thomas Fekete, MD, FIDSA, of Temple University moderated an insightful conversation with Marwan Hadadd, MD, MPH, David Malebranche, MD, MPH, and Hilary Reno, PhD, in recognition of LGBTQ+ Pride Month. In the first half of this panel discussion, the group discusses the role that medical professionals have in advocating for the LGBTQ+ community, as well as the impact that the COVID-19 pandemic has had.
LGBTQ+ Health Equity & COVID-19
This article summarizes research as a call to action for every individual in the LGBTQ+ community to get vaccinated, for policymakers to act and make vaccination efforts evermore inclusive, and for health professionals to better serve their communities. 

Cultural Awareness Series: Honoring Native American Heritage Month 2022
Associate Editor Mati Hlatshwayo Davis, MD, MPH, interviewed Jessica Snowden, MD, FIDSA, where they discussed how the medical community can meaningfully honor Native American Heritage Month. They also discussed the work remaining to protect Native American and Alaska Native communities against COVID-19 and actions that providers and health systems can take toward overcoming barriers to equitable care.

Cultural Awareness Series: Celebrating and Recognizing Native American Heritage Month
Associate Editor Mati Hlatshwayo Davis, MD, MPH, led a panel discussion with Luke John Day, MD, Sophie Neuner, MD, MPH, and Jessica Snowden, MD, FIDSA, in recognition of Native American Heritage Month. The panel discussed the importance of visibility of native people and the culture and identities of these communities; historic and modern reasons for mistrust of the health care system; the impact of COVID-19; the resilience and strength of native communities; and strategies for providing culturally inclusive care.  

Cultural Awareness Series: Women’s History Month - Gender Equity in the Workplace
Panelists Gayathri Krishnan, MBBS, MD, Arghavan Salles, MD, PhD, and Laila Woc-Colburn, MD, DTM&H, FIDSA, discuss the outcome of gender inequities in medicine and share tangible practices and actions that leaders and institutions can take to ensure systemic gender equity in this interview moderated by Associate Editor Mati Hlatshwayo Davis, MD.

Cultural Awareness Series: Celebrating Women’s History Month in the Medical Community
Panelists Gayathri Krishnan, MBBS, MD, Arghavan Salles, MD, PhD, and Laila Woc-Colburn, MD, DTM&H, FIDSA, share their perspectives on the importance of celebrating Women’s History Month within the medical community in this interview moderated by Associate Editor Mati Hlatshwayo Davis, MD.

COVID-19 Pandemic Impacts on Asian Pacific Islander Community and Mental Health
The panel discussion addressed how the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted the Asian American and Pacific Islander community: patients, providers and practitioners, particularly on the area of mental health. In moving to the next phase of the endemic, the panel explored recommendations on how to mitigate stigma and mental health issues.

LGBTQIA+ Community Challenges & Emerging on the Other Side of COVID-19
During the pandemic, many LGBTQIA+ people lost connection to their communities. This video includes a panel discussion of how members of the LGBTQIA+ community face challenges unique to their identities. Moderator Mati Hlatshwayo Davis, MD, MPH, along with panelists Darrell McBride II, DO, Robert Pitts, MD, and Jen Balkus, PhD, MPH share their insights on what changes have occurred and what considerations must be made for policy, funding and support for the LGBTQIA+ community regarding COVID-19. 

Women in Leadership Roles 
In the final part of an interview moderated by Kristina Bryant, MD, FPIDS, panelists Ann Chahroudi, MD, PhD, and Shanta Zimmer, MD, discuss career advancement, leadership roles and what institutions can do to ensure gender equity in the workplace.

The Impact of COVID-19 on Women
Panelists Ann Chahroudi, MD, PhD, and Shanta Zimmer, MD, discuss how the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted women in the medical field in the second part of an interview moderated by Kristina Bryant, MD, FPIDS, in recognition of Women’s History Month.

The Historical and Modern Role of Women in the Medical Profession
Kristina Bryant, MD, FPIDS, moderated a panel discussion with Ann Chahroudi, MD, PhD, and Shanta Zimmer, MD, discussing the historical and modern role of women in the medical profession.

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