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Journal Club Archive

September 4, 2019


The Costs of Preventing vs Responding to Outbreaks, and More ID in the News

IDSA Board Member, Jeffrey Duchin, MD, FIDSA spoke with CNBC and Medscape on the mumps outbreaks hitting nearly 900 migrants in 57 U.S. detention centers in the past year.  

“This mumps outbreak really is just a red flag that shows us that these facilities present a risk for spreading a number of infectious diseases,” Dr. Duchin said. “It’s much easier and more important and less costly to prevent these diseases than to respond to them,” Duchin continued. “The prevention of these diseases is important not only to help protect the health of people being held, but also the staff and surrounding communities.”

This is just one of the news pieces that IDSA and our member spokespersons contributed to, in addition to others in the pipeline. Follow us on TwitterLinkedIn and Facebook to see the latest news and opinion pieces featuring IDSA, HIVMA and our members.