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Journal Club Archive

April 25, 2018


IDSA Antimicrobial Stewardship Curriculum for Fellows

The IDSA Antimicrobial Stewardship Curriculum for Fellows Workgroup has authored the recent CID article, Antimicrobial Stewardship Training for Infectious Diseases Fellows: Program Directors Identify a Curriculum Need, which describes the identified gap in educational resources available to train ID fellows in antimicrobial stewardship, and the core curriculum that was developed in response to provide foundational training in stewardship.  The core curriculum will be available in July 2018.  An advanced curriculum aimed to prepare fellows to lead ASPs is currently in development.   

Antimicrobial Stewardship Curriculum content will consist of eLearning material, interactive cases, video, and assessments, along with teaching and role-playing resources.

Key features of the curriculum:

  • Robust and applicable to all ID fellows: The AS curriculum will include “core” elements that provide foundational training in AS that is an essential component of ID training for all fellows, regardless of their future career plans. It will also include “advanced” elements for fellows who wish to become leaders in AS upon graduation.
  • Adaptable for home institutions: While there will be suggestions on how to integrate the AS curricula into current ID fellowship training, the elements of the curriculum can be used separately and at various points in training so that programs can tailor the elements to fit into their program.
  • Versatile to accommodate varying AS resources at home institutions: Resources for faculty instructors and fellow self-directed learning will be provided. The AS curriculum will include direction on how to use the educational activities in order to capitalize on or augment existing AS resources.
  • Feasible: The curriculum is being designed with respect for the numerous and varied educational priorities that are a part of ID fellowship training. Estimates of time and resource commitments needed to implement a given component will be provided.
  • Engaging: Active learning techniques will be emphasized to augment learner engagement and enhance retention of content. Resources for evaluating fellow competence in AS will also be included.