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Journal Club Archive

December 23, 2019

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IDSA Thanks YOU, Our Members, for a Great 2019

As 2019 draws to a close, we would like to highlight some of the many successes the society achieved and acknowledge the hard work and dedication of the volunteers who made them a reality.

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ID Fellowship Match Results: Slight Declines from Last Year

This year’s ID Fellowship Match brought similar results when compared with last year. While we are pleased that the Match did not experience sharp declines in applicants or positions filled, we should also recognize that maintaining the status quo is insufficient to meet the ever evolving patient and public health need for ID physicians.

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FY 2020 Fed Spending Bill: Some Good News and Some Shortfalls

Allocations included in the federal spending bill passed last week by Congress will strengthen public health and research efforts and will provide critical support for important goals. However, IDSA is concerned that the legislation in its final form also brings inadequate responses to current and urgent challenges with the potential for long-term and costly consequences.

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It’s Not Too Late to Support Modernizing IDSA’s Bylaws

The most recent email with the ballot was sent on Monday, Dec. 16 to eligible members who have not yet voted. Please take a moment to check your inbox and cast your vote using the link provided in that email.

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Journal Club

In this feature, a panel of IDSA members identifies and critiques important new studies in the current literature that have a significant impact on the practice of infectious diseases medicine.

Measles Vaccination in Infants Younger than 9 Months, Studies Shed Light on Oral Antibiotic Strategies for Gram-Negative Infections and, Your Hunch Was Right: Blood Cultures After Antibiotics Aren’t as Good

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Next Steps for Inclusion, Diversity, Access, and Equity Task Force at IDSA

IDSA is committed to integrating the principles of inclusion, diversity, access, and equity throughout our work and community, and is excited to open a call for volunteers for the IDA&E Task Force to further integration efforts into 2020.

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House Drug Pricing Bill Serves Patients, Public Health

Legislation recently passed by the House of Representatives, the Elijah E. Cummings Lower Drug Costs Now Act, introduces critically needed and significant steps to reduce costs and improve access to life-saving therapies for conditions including HIV and hepatitis C. Importantly, the legislation also brings essential resources to combat antibiotic resistance, find and develop new infection fighting drugs and bring them to market.

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CURE ID App Will Assist Drug Repurposing for Infectious Diseases

The Food and Drug Administration recently launched CURE ID, an online repository for clinical cases in which existing drugs have been used in new ways to treat infectious diseases lacking adequate approved treatments.

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Support the IDSA Foundation and Double Your Impact

It’s not too late to send your end of year gift to the IDSA Foundation. All gifts are matched by IDSA at 100% until Dec. 31.

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Science Speaks Highlights Intersections of Policies and Pathogens

From affordable drug pricing, to linked testing and prevention services and prioritizing proven treatments, public health policies can make all the difference in stemming the spread of infectious diseases, IDSA’s global Science Speaks blog highlighted this month.

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New Drugs, New Tests and Stewardship are the Answer to AMR

Pharmaceutical Technology spoke with IDSA Spokesperson and Clinical Affairs Committee Chair Susan Bleasdale, M.D., FIDSA, on restoring the world’s antibiotic pipeline.

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