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Journal Club Archive

June 20, 2018


IDSA Research Committee Members on Capitol Hill

IDSA Research Committee members met with 34 congressional offices in early June to advocate for IDSA policy priorities including: increased federal funding to support domestic and global ID research and public health, new incentives for antibiotic research and development, a robust response to the infectious diseases impacts of the opioid epidemic, and investments in the ID physician workforce (including compensation and loan repayment). Committee Member Vincent Lo Re III, MD, FIDSA is pictured above with IDSA’s Senior Vice President of Public Policy and Government Relations Amanda Jezek.

Meetings with expert constituents are one of the most successful ways to impact policymaker decisions. Even if you cannot make it to Washington, D.C., you can meet with your congressional representatives in their state and district offices. IDSA can schedule meetings for you, provide you with talking points and fact sheets to use in the meeting, and help you prepare.  Email Lisa Cox, IDSA's Director of Government Relations for more information or if you would like to participate.