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Journal Club Archive

June 26, 2019


Introducing IDSA’s First Community of Practice for Medical Education

Workgroup and Leadership Volunteers Needed

IDSA invites you to join its first Community of Practice (COP), the Medical Education COP and to volunteer for a workgroup or leadership position.  The purpose of this group is to support IDSA members to become better teachers of all learner groups and to support and advocate for the career development of IDSA members on a clinician educator pathway with the end goal of helping to recruit the best and brightest into our field.

All interested IDSA members are invited to join the Med Ed COP by logging into MyIDSA using the same login information you use to login to the IDSA website and selecting the Medical Education Community.

We are looking for volunteers for the following Med Ed COP Workgroups (description of workgroups below):

  • IDWeek Workgroup
  • Mentoring Workgroup
  • Teaching and Learning Resources Workgroup

In addition, there are nine open leadership positions as follows (detailed descriptions below):

  • Vice Chair of the Med Ed COP (2-years, transition to Chair)
  • Workgroup leadership:
    • Chair for the IDWeek Workgroup (2-years)
    • Vice Chair for the IDWeek Workgroup (2-years, transition to Workgroup Chair)
    • Chair of the Mentoring Workgroup (2-years)
    • Vice Chair of the Mentoring Workgroup (2-years, transition to Workgroup Chair)
    • Chair of the Teaching and Learning Resources Workgroup (2-years)
    • Vice Chair of the Teaching and Learning Resources Workgroup (2-years, transition to Workgroup Chair)
  • At Large Member of the Med Ed COP Executive Committee, 2 positions (2-years)

To apply for a workgroup or leadership position, please complete the application that can be found here by Monday, July 22.


Who is eligible for leadership positions?  

  • Applicants to the Vice Chair of the Med Ed COP and Workgroup Chairs require some prior leadership experience in educational roles (broadly, can include through IDSA, or institutionally)
  • Applicants to be Vice Chair of Workgroups and At-Large Members to the Executive Committee do not require prior experience and junior faculty/junior members are encouraged to apply


How will applicants be evaluated?

Applicants will be evaluated based on the following attributes:

  • Ability to articulate innovative approaches to medical education as appropriate for the position for which they are applying
  • Commitment to medical education in infectious disease and to the Med Ed COP within IDSA
  • Teaching experience and career goals

Of note, the selection workgroup is committed to principles of diversity and inclusion


IDSA Med Ed COP Goals

  • In collaboration with the IDSA leadership, enhance the teaching skills of all IDSA members to better educate students, residents, fellows, practicing health care providers, and patients on the topics relevant to infectious diseases
  • Support and advocate for the career development of IDSA members on a clinician educator pathway through the development of opportunities to include skill-building, community-building, mentorship, and creation of scholarship
  • Support and advocate for high-quality research that supports the science of education as relevant to Infectious Diseases


Committee Descriptions

Executive Committee: This group serves as the governing body of the Med Ed COP and will meet monthly through regularly scheduled conference calls. Membership is and includes members as follows:

  • Chair
  • Vice-Chair
  • IDWeek Workgroup Chair
  • Mentoring Workgroup Chair
  • Teaching & Learning Resources Workgroup Chair
  • Selection Workgroup Chair
  • At-Large Member from Med Ed COP (2)
  • At-Large Member from Fellows Committee
  • At-Large Member from Program Directors Committee

IDWeek Workgroup: Leads the development and submission of Med Ed-related sessions at IDWeek in partnership with Program Committee members responsible for Med Ed content.  Assists in moderation of IDWeek Med Ed sessions.  Organizes the Med Ed COP Meeting at IDWeek each year.

Mentorship Workgroup: Committee organizes and runs the IDSA Clinician Educator Mentoring Program and the Teaching Observation Program at IDWeek

Teaching and Learning Resources Workgroup: Develop and curate material to support the IDSA community to be better teachers as well as resources for ID Clinician Educators to enhance their skills in Medical Education.

Selection Workgroup: Led by the Selection Workgroup Chair and comprised of a diverse group of volunteers. Responsible for review of workgroup applications and recommendations to the Leadership Development Committee regarding appointments to workgroups and leadership positions. The Leadership Development Committee will have final approval of leadership positions.


Role Descriptions

Med Ed COP Chair:  Leads the Med Ed COP Executive Committee, coordinates workgroups, collaborates with other IDSA committees, communicates with membership, and oversees all activities of the Med Ed COP.  Participates in standing monthly meetings.

Med Ed COP Vice-Chair:  In collaboration with the Chair, leads the Med Ed COP Executive Committee, coordinates workgroups, collaborates with other IDSA committees, communicates with membership, and oversees all activities of the Med Ed COP.  Participates in standing monthly meetings.  The Med Ed COP Vice-Chair will become Med Ed COP Chair after 2 years assuming they demonstrate commitment to the work of the group.

Workgroup Chair:  Leads the workgroup, communicates with workgroup members, and oversees all projects of the workgroup.  Serves on the executive committee and participates in standing monthly executive committee, and workgroup meetings.

Workgroup Vice-Chair:  In collaboration with the Workgroup Chair, leads the workgroup, communicates with workgroup members, and oversees all projects of the workgroup.  Participates in workgroup meetings.  All workgroup vice-chairs will become workgroup chairs after 2 years assuming they demonstrate commitment to the work of the group.

At-Large Member to the Executive Committee: Serves a voting member of the Executive Committee, the governing body of the Med Ed COP.  Participates in monthly conference calls.