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Journal Club Archive

October 16, 2019


A New Strategic Plan for IDSA

The IDSA Board of Directors has approved a new Strategic Plan that will continue to ensure the Society charts a successful, transformative and sustainable path forward.

The plan was the culmination of a year-long process that included the appointment of a Strategic Planning Task Force of members, in-depth interviews with external stakeholders, and a member survey to inform the plan’s development.

Learn more about IDSA’s new strategic plan from Society leaders.

The Board adopted a “run, grow, transform” model to describe the four key strategic initiatives of the new plan. “Run” initiatives reflect areas where continuous quality improvements can drive the success of core operations, programs and services. “Grow” initiatives target opportunities, typically prioritized from current areas of focus, but designed to expand reach and impact. “Transform” initiatives indicate substantial investments in new areas that will yield significant return-on-investment toward the Society’s mission.

Optimization of the development, dissemination and adoption of timely and relevant ID guidance and guidelines that improve the outcomes of clinical care was selected as a “run” strategic initiative.

Quantifying, communicating and advocating for the value of ID physicians to increase professional fulfillment and compensation was selected as a “grow” initiative.

Facilitating the growth and leadership development of the ID workforce to meet emerging scientific and clinical leadership needs was selected as another “grow” initiative.

Finally, because the threat of AMR was the single most concerning topic that surfaced during the strategic planning data-accruing process, our “transform” initiative is developing and positioning a new tool to serve as the leading U.S. benchmark to measure and drive national progress on antimicrobial resistance.

For more information on the new strategic plan, read this white paper just published in Clinical Infectious Diseases and view this video featuring IDSA President Thomas File, Jr., MD, MSc, FIDSA, Immediate Past President Cynthia Sears, MD, FIDSA and President-Elect Barbara Alexander, MD, MHS, FIDSA. You will be hearing more about these initiatives and how we plan on achieving them in the near future, so please stay tuned to IDSA communications.