United Nations High-Level Meeting on TB Offers Chance to End Global Threat

The United Nations General Assembly’s first high-level meeting on tuberculosis this week opens the opportunity for international collaboration and commitment toward ending the impacts of the world’s leading infectious disease killer.

House PAHPA Reauthorization Sets Agenda for Protecting Public Health

The reauthorization of the Pandemic and All Hazards Preparedness Act (PAHPA) approved by the House of Representatives today includes measures that are critical to ensure that our nation has the resources and expertise needed to confront, control and combat emerging public health threats.

STD Report Underscores Urgent Public Health and Research Needs

Showing a more than 100 percent increase in the numbers of infants affected by syphilis during the last five years, unprecedented incidence of syphilis, gonorrhea and chlamydia, and the spread of gonorrhea resistant to multiple treatments, the 2017 STD Surveillance Report released by the Centers for Disease Prevention and Control today represents a call for immediate and responsive action.

IDSA Joins CDC in AMR Challenge

The Infectious Diseases Society of America today joined the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in a yearlong challenge to promote and support investments, innovations, and strategies against the growing global threat of antimicrobial resistance.

Transfer of Funding from Infectious Diseases Prevention, Care and Research Threatens Public Health Responses

The administration’s transfer of funds from infectious diseases prevention, care and biomedical research programs to offset the rising costs of the “Unaccompanied Alien Children” program comes as our nation prepares for flu season and confronts unprecedented increases in cases of sexually transmitted diseases, spikes in infections linked to the opioid crisis.

Global Health Leaders Celebrate PEPFAR, Call for Increased Support

Leaders of research and programmatic responses to HIV globally gathered on Capitol Hill Thursday to celebrate the 15th anniversary of the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief launch and the flagship program’s achievements, but also to cite urgent needs to strengthen and accelerate the program’s efforts toward ending the pandemic.

Senate Passes Opioids Bill Responding to Infections and Workforce Shortages

The U.S. Senate voted overwhelmingly last night to approve the Opioids Crisis Response Act of 2018 – their version of the comprehensive legislation (HR 6) passed by the U.S. House of Representatives in June.

Joint LHHS, DOD Agreement Advances Critical Health Responses

The Labor, Health, and Human Services, and Defense Department Senate and House conference agreement released Thursday demonstrates legislators' commitment to tackling some of the most critical health issues our nation faces.

Exorbitant Drug Price Hike Reflects Greed, not Need

The decision by Nostrum Laboratories executives to more than quadruple the price of an antibiotic drug developed more than six decades ago reflects opportunistic greed in its most indefensible form.

Preparation for Public Health Impacts of Hurricanes will be Critical

As the hurricane season reaches its peak, and Hurricane Florence brings threats of catastrophic weather events and flooding to the eastern United States, preparation and sustained responses will be essential to prevent and the respond to public health and infectious disease impacts that pose risks in a storm’s aftermath.

Strengthen Public Health, Research Preparedness for Infectious Disease Impacts of Climate Change

As the largest and oldest professional society of physicians, scientists and other health care professionals who specialize in transmitted diseases, the Infectious Diseases Society of America is deeply concerned about the ongoing impacts of climate change on epidemiologic patterns and public health in the United States and worldwide.

Representatives Respond to Medicare Reimbursement Proposal Concerns

As thousands of physicians, including those providing infectious diseases and HIV care, cited damaging impacts of a Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services proposal to slash reimbursements for evaluation and management of complex cases, lawmakers are signing onto a letter asking the agency to delay action on the move.