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IDSA Joins CDC in AMR Challenge

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The Infectious Diseases Society of America today joined the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in a yearlong challenge to promote and support investments, innovations, and strategies against the growing global threat of antimicrobial resistance.

The CDC AMR challenge recognizes AMR as one of the most urgent and dangerous public health issues confronting the world, threatening life expectancy as well as the gains of modern medicine. The initiative launched today calls on leaders and communities across sectors to play parts and work together to combat AMR globally.

As one of the first organizations to detect, delineate and raise awareness of the threats posed by pathogens growing resistant to treatments, IDSA is committed to combating AMR by driving advances in science, patient care, public health and public policy. ID physicians are on the frontlines of this effort, leading antimicrobial stewardship and infection prevention programs in their hospitals; conducting research, including clinical trials for new antibiotics and diagnostics; caring for patients infected with multidrug resistant organisms; and informing public health interventions.  More than 700 IDSA physician members have signed on to join the CDC AMR Challenge and IDSA’s efforts that include ongoing work to:

  • lead advocacy promoting U.S. federal investment in infection prevention, antimicrobial stewardship, and AMR surveillance and data collection across human health, animal health and the environment in the US and globally;
  • promote the development and uptake of safe and effective vaccines;
  • elevate antibiotic stewardship as a universal component of medical practice;
  • lead advocacy and scientific efforts that drive innovation in antimicrobial drug and diagnostic development.
  • feature the latest AMR science at the joint IDSA/HIV Medicine Association/Society of Healthcare Epidemiology of America and Pediatric Infectious Diseases Society IDWeek 2018, with more than one third of this year’s sessions covering diverse aspects of AMR
  • Educate the next generation of infectious diseases leaders to combat AMR

Please see more on IDSA’s overarching commitment to combating AMR.