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Senate Appropriators Maintain American Leadership, Science and Public Health Gains

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The Senate Appropriations Committee has firmly pushed back on White House proposals for funding cuts to global and domestic health programs and biomedical research, as the Infectious Diseases Society of America and other organizations concerned with our nation’s health have urged.

With approval of the Senate Appropriations Labor, Health and Human Services, Education and Related Agencies Subcommittee’s spending bill for FY 19 June 28, senators supported priorities stressed by IDSA and rejected proposals from the Trump administration that would threaten decades of progress in controlling infectious diseases.

The Senate bill includes sustained support for infectious diseases and HIV public health efforts at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Recognizing links between the opioid epidemic and increased rates of multiple infectious diseases, the bill includes $5 million in funding for a new CDC initiative focusing on opioid use and infectious diseases – particularly Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C and HIV – key concerns of IDSA members who confront these diseases daily in their practices.  As the appropriations process moves forward this year, IDSA will continue to advocate for a greater federal response that also includes resources to address substance use disorders and increasing, accompanying rates of infective endocarditis, bone, and skin infections.

The bill’s continued funding to combat antimicrobial resistance, including $168 million for the agency’s Antibiotic Resistance Initiative, will help states and local communities protect public health by tracking disease-resistant pathogens and preventing their spread. The bill sustains resources for the CDC Center for Global Health at $488 million, repudiating the administration’s proposal that would relinquish U.S. leadership against infectious diseases that threaten Americans at home and abroad. Increased funding provided in the bill for the CDC National Center for HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, STD and TB Prevention will be critical to confronting the rising rates of sexually transmitted diseases while also expanding efforts against HIV and hepatitis C.

The Senate bill’s provision of a $2 billion increase in overall funding for the National Institutes of Health, including a $37 million increase in funding to combat antimicrobial resistance will be critically important to building the arsenal of preventive, diagnostic and treatment tools needed to protect Americans and to sustain the progress of modern medicine. The bill also provides $5.506 billion for the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, and $78 million for the Fogarty International Center. This funding will help advance research to spur new infectious disease and HIV diagnostics, treatments, and cures, and help ensure the future workforce of biomedical researchers.  

Additional monies for the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority can facilitate the development of urgently needed new antibiotics that address resistant pathogens. Meeting the public health needs ahead through dedicated programs and research remains essential to our country. As the Senate and House appropriations bills move forward, IDSA will continue to urge Congress to provide robust, sustained funding for infectious disease and HIV priorities.