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IDSA Thanks Retiring Journal of Infectious Diseases Editors


As the term of Martin S. Hirsch, MD, FIDSA, as editor-in-chief of The Journal of Infectious Diseases ends, the Infectious Diseases Society of America wishes to thank him and all members of his editorial board for their extraordinary term of service as journal and Society leaders.

Dr. Hirsch took office as editor-in-chief of JID in 2003, alongside a talented group of deputy and associate editors. Many of those editors remained with JID throughout Dr. Hirsch’s term, while several additional editors joined the group over time. In the two decades since he took office, Dr. Hirsch and his team have worked continuously to improve the experience of JID authors and the quality of the science published in the journal.

Dr. Hirsch served as a mentor both to his own editorial board and to incoming editors at IDSA’s other journals, Clinical Infectious Diseases and Open Forum Infectious Diseases. To ensure in-depth coverage of important topics in infectious diseases, he significantly expanded the JID supplement program, recruiting guest editors to publish on such timely topics as last year’s “Triumphs of Vaccination” supplement, as well as subjects that require additional support and attention, such as the “Homelessness and Infectious Diseases” supplement and two seminal supplements in 2019 and 2020 on inclusion, diversity, access and equity in the infectious diseases field.

Dr. Hirsch helmed JID through the height of the COVID pandemic, and in fact postponed his planned retirement as editor-in-chief to do so, a great service to IDSA and his colleagues in the ID field. In 2020, JID submissions increased from 1900 to an all-time high of 3479. While managing this extraordinary increase in workload without an immediate increase in editorial personnel, Dr. Hirsch and his editorial board also worked to ensure a skeptical, thorough review process for each paper.

The quality of their work was apparent to JID readers and the world. JID received 54,782 citations in 20202 and 58,677 citations in 2021, and its papers were discussed in Congress and in the pages of the New York Times, affecting both the development of infectious diseases science and public policy in response to the pandemic and elsewhere.

IDSA is grateful to the retiring editors at JID for their extraordinary contributions to the journal and to every IDSA member and infectious diseases professional who has learned from and built on the science published in JID over the past 20 years.

Martin S. Hirsch, MD, FIDSA, Editor-in-Chief, 2003-2022

David C. Hooper, MD, FIDSA, Deputy Editor, 2003-2022

Marcel Behr, MD, Associate Editor, 2013-2022

Raymund Chung, MD, FIDSA, Associate Editor, 2003-2022

Peter Densen, MD, FIDSA, Associate Editor, 2004-2022

Joseph A. Kovacs, MD, FIDSA, Associate Editor, 2003-2022

Daniel R. Kuritzkes, MD, FIDSA, Associate Editor, 2003-2022

Stuart M. Levitz, MD, FIDSA, Associate Editor, 2013-2022

William Schaffner, MD, FIDSA, Associate Editor, 2003-2022

Jane R. Schwebke, MD, FIDSA, Associate Editor, 2003-2022

Frederick S. Southwick, MD, FIDSA, Associate Editor, 2003-2022

Peter F. Weller, MD, MACP, FIDSA, Associate Editor, 2003-2022

Richard J. Whitley, MD, FIDSA, Associate Editor, 2004-2022