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IDSA Print Journals to Move to Monthly Issue Schedule 

CID, JID to Print Monthly Beginning in January 2024

The Infectious Diseases Society of America is pleased to share the next step in its ongoing journey to reduce its environmental footprint. In previous years, in partnership with the Society’s publishers at Oxford University Press, IDSA journals began using recycled paper stock, transitioned to biodegradable polybags, and offered members the option to receive journal content online-only instead of in print. Beginning in January 2024, IDSA’s two print journals, Clinical Infectious Diseases (CID) and The Journal of Infectious Diseases (JID), will move from 24 issues per year to 12.

By making this change, IDSA will cut the number of pieces it sends into the mailstream and the associated environmental impact of transport and shipping in half. It will also reduce its paper usage over the course of each year.

CID and JID will continue to accept the same high-quality research, reviews, and editorial content that they are known for and will not be reducing the amount of content that they publish. Papers will publish online as they are accepted, and IDSA members will have full access to the latest content published in both journals via the IDSA website, just as they do now. Members who receive the print edition of CID or JID will receive one larger issue per month instead of two smaller issues. 
IDSA thanks its members for their support as the Society continues to seek opportunities to reduce its environmental impact.