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Global Health

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IDSA prioritizes promoting sufficient US investment in global infectious diseases responses and research, and in using the voices of physician scientists to inform multilateral and national global health policies. IDSA is a trusted leader in shaping and advancing international and national policies and investments in global HIV, TB, health security and antimicrobial resistance.


IDSA Comments on United Nations HLMs Stakeholders Meeting

IDSA offered these recommendations to United Nations member states developing political declarations on tuberculosis and pandemic prevention, preparedness and response, ahead of scheduled UN High Level Meetings on these issues in September, 2023.

IDSA Comments on Development of Pandemic Accord

IDSA staff delivered comments at a listening session held by the Health and Human Services Administration’s Office of Global Affairs to inform their participation in the World Health Organization’s Intergovernmental Negotiating Body (INB) to develop a draft pandemic accord. The INB has been tasked with negotiating a convention, agreement or other international instrument to strengthen pandemic prevention, preparedness and response globally. IDSA’s comments focused on better addressing AMR within pandemic preparedness and stressed the importance of continuing essential health services for existing pandemics during outbreaks. 

IDSA HIVMA Letter to President Biden on Global Vaccine Equity

In this letter IDSA and HIVMA leadership urged President Biden to accelerate U.S. leadership in achieving global COVID-19 vaccine equity to control the pandemic globally while protecting the hard-won gains made against the pandemic in the U.S. This includes donating markedly increased doses of COVID-19 vaccines to low- and middle-income countries and greater investments in vaccine administration and distribution infrastructure.

Petition Letter for Nomination of Global Aids Coordinator

IDSA and HIVMA spearheaded this letter signed by over 50 organizations urging President Biden to nominate a Global AIDS Coordinator and renew U.S. leadership in controlling the HIV epidemic globally.

IDSA Testimony to House Appropriations Committee

IDSA submitted written testimony to the House Appropriations Committee urging increased funding for vital global infectious disease programs under the Department of State and the U.S. Agency for International Relief for fiscal year 2022, including increased resources to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic and its impacts on other infectious diseases including HIV and TB.

IDSA Statements for Health and Human Services Listening Session

IDSA presented statements on the global COVID-19 response, immunizations and antimicrobial resistance at a listening session hosted by the Department of Health and Human Services Office of Global Affairs, ahead of the 74th World Health Assembly.

IDSA Letter to Office of Global Affairs

IDSA sent this letter to Loyce Pace, appointed to lead the Office of Global Affairs at the Department of Health and Human Services, offering to a resource and highlighting our global health priorities including accelerating efforts to address AMR, pandemic preparedness and global health security, and ongoing epidemics including HIV and tuberculosis.

World TB Day Briefing 

IDSA and colleagues from the TB Roundtable — a coalition of organizations dedicated to TB control in the U.S. and globally — hosted a virtual Congressional briefing on the COVID-19 pandemic’s impacts on global TB control efforts, featuring presentations from leaders at the World Health Organization and USAID, IDSA members and TB treatment and research and development advocates. The briefing was organized in cooperation with the Congressional TB Elimination Caucus, co-chaired by Reps. Ami Bera and Don Young, and by Sen. Sherrod Brown, who shared this video message for World TB Day.

World TB Day 2021: As We Make Progress Against COVID-19, We Must Lose More Ground Against Tuberculosis

IDSA Statement for 148th WHO Executive Board Meeting
January 2021
Item 9: Antimicrobial Resistance

IDSA participated as a non-state actor in the World Health Organization's 148th Executive Board meeting and submitted statements on AMR.

IDSA Statement for 148th WHO Executive Board Meeting
January 2021
Item 12: Immunization Agenda 2030

IDSA participated as a non-state actor in the World Health Organization's 148th Executive Board meeting and submitted statements on WHO's global immunization plan.

IDSA Statement for 148th WHO Executive Board Meeting
January 2021
Item 14.1: COVID-19 Response

IDSA participated as a non-state actor in the World Health Organization's 148th Executive Board meeting and submitted statements on the COVID-19 Pandemic.

IDSA Statement for 146th WHO Executive Board Meeting
February 2020
Item 15.2: Health Emergencies

Global Health Council supported by the Infectious Diseases Society of America commend WHO on its invaluable work in responding to health emergencies. The WHO plays an essential role in strengthening global capacity to respond to health threats and ensuring effective coordination among all actors during health emergencies.

IDSA Statement for 146th WHO Executive Board Meeting
February 2020
Item 10: Ending TB

Global Health Council supported by the Infectious Diseases Society of America and the Global Health Technologies Coalition commends WHO and member states on accelerating efforts to meet global TB elimination goals. Despite some progress the world is not on track to end the TB epidemic by 2030.

IDSA Statement for 146th WHO Executive Board Meeting
February 2020
Item 8: Global vaccine action plan

Global Health Council supported by the Infectious Diseases Society of America and the Global Health Technologies Coalition commend WHO and member states on progress made towards achieving global immunization targets.