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Curriculum Requirements

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Recommendations for ID Training Program Curricula

Evaluating infectious disease fellowship programs can be a daunting task. IDSA offers the following guide to prospective ID fellows in the process of selecting a fellowship program.

These guidelines were developed by division chiefs and program directors from adult infectious disease training programs. The recommendations are not binding upon individual programs, nor do they emanate directly from requirements specified by the American College of Graduate Medical Education or the American Board of Internal Medicine (ABIM).

Please recognize that individual training programs will vary in the organization of their curricula and their program strengths.

The three tracks for fellowship training in adult infectious disease training are:

  1. Clinician Track
  2. Clinical Investigator Track
  3. Basic Investigator Track


All tracks should consist of a 12-month core curriculum. The Clinician track should have another 12 months' fellowship training. The Clinical Investigator and Basic Investigator tracks should have another 24-26 months' duration to complete fellowship training.

Board Eligibility

Prospective ID fellows are required to have 2 years of fellowship training before they are eligible to take the ABIM certification exam in infectious diseases.

The additional training time required for the Clinical Investigator and Basic Investigator tracks is not required for board certification. The additional time in the Investigator tracks is intended to give the fellow adequate research experience to become an independent investigator.

The core clinical curriculum offered by any program should be 12 months in duration. Required content includes:

  Required Ideal
ID Consults 250 consults with fellow participation over the entire training period 250 consults with fellow participation over the entire training period
Epidemiology Infection control committee, or formal 24-hour course, or SHEA course or equivalent, or 1-month rotation 28-hour course, didactic and practical (equivalent to SHEA course), or 1-month rotation
Microbiology Practical experience in clinical microbiology Clinical Microbiology (bacteriology, mycology, virology, parasitology, antibiotic susceptibility testing), 1 month or 120 hours
Sexually Transmitted Diseases Expertise required 2 1/2 to 3-day course (equivalent to CDC course or clinical training)
Transplant/Immunocompromised hosts Trainees should have solid organ and bone marrow transplant experience

Transplant (bone marrow and solid organ): 20 patients

Immunocompromised hosts: 20 new patients

Continuity Clinic 18 months; must have HIV patients 10% time (average 1/2 day per week) for 24 months. Follow 20 new HIV patients
Didactic Bioethics course; lecture series desirable Ethics, biostatistics
Conferences 2 hours of conferences per week, including ID case conference 2 hours of conference per week, including ID case conference with 60% documented attendance over 24 months
HIV inpatient experience Required Required


In addition, the following core competancies are recommended:

  • Travelers medicine
  • Antibiotic utilization/restriction
  • Outpatient IV therapy
  • Risk management
  • Medical economics


Fellows need to complete 12 months of core training and an additional 12 months of clinical training and scholarship.

Clinical Training

At least 6 months of the additional training period should be devoted to clinical training. Fellows will gain expertise in areas not covered in the core curriculum, such as:

  • pediatrics
  • hospital epidemiology/infection control
  • travel and international medicine
  • antibiotic formulary review/pharmacy and therapeutics committee
  • outpatient antibiotic supervision
  • employee health
  • biostatistics
  • information systems

Fellows are recommended to devote 10% of their additional training to outpatient experience and 10% to ambulatory experience.


Given the limited time available to fellows in this track, completing an independent research project is not necessary. An acceptable alternative is participation in an ongoing research project. The fellow should either:

  1. author a completed manuscript submitted for peer review, or
  2. make a presentation (oral or poster) at a national or regional meeting.

The Clinical Investigator Track requires a minimum of 2 years in addition to the 12-month training in the core curriculum. A training committee must oversee the progress of the fellow. The fellow must present a formal report or manuscript submission to the training committee and the university/training community at the completion of training.

Didactic training is an essential part of the training plan for the Clinical Investigator Pathway. Suggested coursework areas include:

  • Experimental design
  • Analytical methods
  • Statistics
  • Grant & manuscript writing

The ultimate test of success for fellows in both the Clinical Investigator Track and the Basic Investigator Track is the ability of the trainee to write and publish papers and to submit and secure independent fellowship/grant support.

Training Committee

The training committee should meet with the fellow prior to initiating the research project and on a yearly basis (at least) throughout the course of the additional training. The committee should provide a written report to the fellow after each meeting summarizing the recommendations and conclusions of the committee 

The Basic Investigator Track requires a minimum of 2 years in addition to the 12-month training in the core curriculum. A training committee must oversee the progress of the fellow. The fellow must present a formal report or manuscript submission to the training committee and the university/training community at the completion of training.

Didactic training is an essential part of the training plan for the Clinical Investigator Pathway. Suggested coursework areas include:

  • Molecular biology
  • Genetics
  • Cell biology
  • Grant & manuscript writing

The ultimate test of success for fellows in both the Clinical Investigator Track and the Basic Investigator Track is the ability of the trainee to write and publish papers and to submit and secure independent fellowship/grant support.

Training Committee

The training committee should meet with the fellow prior to initiating the research project and on a yearly basis (at least) throughout the course of the additional training. The committee should provide a written report to the fellow after each meeting summarizing the recommendations and conclusions of the committee members.