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Research & Funding for Early Career

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EVERYONE Grant (Deadline: December 1st, 2021) 
EVERYONE stands for Early Stage Investigator Program Promoting Diversity in Antibiotic Resistance Research. ARLG will have up to two seed grants per year that provide $50,000 in direct costs of NIH funding they are for research in areas related to antibacterial resistance (AR). MD, PhD, or Pharm D students, graduate or post-graduate trainees, or those with a faculty appointment of less than five years are eligible to apply. 

See here for a link to the Everyone grant at a glance. 

See here for the grant page and instructions on how to apply. 

Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award (NRSA) Individual Postdoctoral Fellowship (Parent F32) (Deadline: Ongoing)  
The purpose of the Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award (NRSA) Individual Postdoctoral Fellowship (Parent F32) is to support research training of highly promising postdoctoral candidates who have the potential to become productive, independent investigators in scientific health-related research fields relevant to the missions of the participating NIH Institutes and Centers. 

IDSA Foundation: G.E.R.M (Grants For Emerging Researchers/Clinicians Mentorship) (Deadline: 2022 Application Not Opened) 

G.E.R.M. was developed to provide grants to medical students to support a longitudinal mentored clinical learning and/or research project for up to a year, on infectious diseases-related topics including HIV under the mentorship of an IDSA or HIVMA member. This program replaced the IDSA Medical Scholars and HIVMA Medical Students Programs. 

IDSA Foundation: IDea Incubator (Deadline: August 2022) 

A pitch-style  competition,  IDea Incubator encourages innovators and early-stage ventures with original inventions, products and ideas  for improving with the potential to improve  ID  care to share their ideas with the ID community and judges in the business, medicine and technology industries. 

IDSA Foundation: HIV Clinical Fellowship Program (Deadline: November 8, 2021) 

The program supports non-infectious diseases physicians with gaining HIV clinical experience working with medically underserved patient populations. 

IDSA Foundation: Microbial Pathogenesis In Alzheimer’s Disease Grant (Deadline: August 31, 2021) 

These grants support research that suggest evidence of an infectious agent or microbial community is correlated to Alzheimer’s disease and promotes novel research in the field of microbial triggers for Alzheimer’s disease. 

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Training Programs(Deadline: Ongoing) 
Research and public health training programs and fellowships. CDC has many diverse fellowship, internship, training, and volunteer opportunities for students and professionals. 

Burroughs Welcome Fund Resident Faculty Scholar (Deadline: September 9) 

The Resident Faculty Scholar Grant Program will support a faculty member, or small groups of faculty members, at institutions in the United States or Canada, to utilize BWF Headquarters as a site for mini-sabbaticals/project incubation allowing the dedicated protected time to initiate or accelerate their work when aligned with BWF priorities and goals.

International Society for Infectious Diseases Grants(Deadline: On Hold Due to COVID) 
ISID aims to enhance research, prevention, and treatment of infectious diseases, particularly in low resource countries.  Several fellowships and small grants for early investigators (younger than 40) are available. 

March of Dimes Research Grants (2022 Applications Not Opened) 

March of Dimes is actively seeking applications for research grant funding that involve translational and actionable science that will lead directly to interventions or preventions. 

European Society for Paediatric Infectious Diseases Awards(Deadline: Ongoing) 
Training fellowships and other awards for ESPID members in good standing conducting basic or clinical pediatric research.  

National Science Foundation Faculty Early Career Development (Deadline: Ongoing) 
Postdoctoral fellowships and young investigator awards in the natural sciences. NSF encourages submission of CAREER proposals from early-career faculty at all CAREER-eligible organizations and especially encourages women, members of underrepresented minority groups, and persons with disabilities to apply. 

NIAID Antibacterial Resistance Leadership Group (ARLG) (Deadline: December 1) 
Seeking proposals for clinical studies to address antibacterial resistance, including infections caused by Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria, antimicrobial stewardship and infection prevention, and diagnostics. 
Application/Review Process   

Lasker Clinical Research Scholars Program (Si2/R00 Clinical Trial Optional) (Deadline: June 24, 2022)

The NIH has created the Lasker Clinical Research Scholars (Lasker Scholars) program that will offer applicants the opportunity to compete for a unique combination of intramural and extramural resources for clinical research. The program will support a small number of exceptional clinical researchers in the early stages of their independent careers to promote their development as fully independent scientists. The program combines a period of research experience as a tenure-track Investigator in the IRP with additional years of independent financial support, either within the IRP or at an extramural research institution.

Bay Area Lyme Foundation Emerging Scientific Leader in Lyme Research Award (Deadline: January 31, June 30, September 30)  
These grants support new and innovative projects and aim to attract aspiring new scientific talent to the field of Lyme. Candidate applications must include a viable proposal for a proof-of-concept project to be funded, in part or in sum, by the grant award. 

NIH Common Fund High Risk-High Reward Programs   
(Deadline: Ongoing)  The High-Risk, High-Reward Research program supports exceptionally creative scientists pursuing highly innovative research with the potential for broad impact in biomedical, behavioral, or social sciences within the NIH mission. Preliminary data are not required. The program's four constituent NIH Director's awards provide a diverse set of funding opportunities. See the individual awards below.  

NIH Director's Pioneer Award Program (2022 Applications Not Open) 

The award supports scientists with outstanding records of creativity pursuing new research directions to develop pioneering approaches to major challenges in biomedical, social science, and behavioral research. 

NIH Director's Transformative Research Award Program(Deadline: September 1, 2021) 

The award supports individuals or teams proposing transformative projects that are inherently risky and untested but have the potential to create or overturn fundamental paradigms and may require very large budgets.

NIH Fogarty International Center Funding Opportunities     (Deadline: Ongoing) 

Fogarty's programs provide funding to perform research and to train researchers in a variety of global health areas. See program pages for status, eligibility, funding announcements and deadlines. 

NIH Director’s Early Independence Award (2022 Applications Not Open) 

Part of the High-Risk, High-Reward Research program, the award supports outstanding junior scientists with the intellect, scientific creativity, drive, and maturity bypass the traditional postdoctoral training period to launch independent research careers. 

Pediatric Infectious Diseases Society Fellowships and Research Awards (Deadline: Ongoing) 
Funding opportunities offered to members of the Pediatric Infectious Diseases Society to stimulate scholarly basic, translational, and clinical research in areas pertinent to Pediatric Infectious Diseases including innovative research to improve or develop new vaccines and immunotherapeutics for children. 

Thrasher Research Fund: E.W. “Al”  Thrasher Awards (Deadline: Ongoing) 

Offering awards in pediatric medical research. The E.W. "Al" Thrasher Awards seeks to improve children's health through medical research, with an emphasis on projects that have the potential to translate into clinically meaningful results within a few years. The Fund awards grants two times per year, with no fixed number of awards given in each funding cycle or in each year. 

Howard Hughes Medical Institute: Hannah H. Gray Fellows Program (Deadline: December 1, 2021) 

The goal of the Hanna H. Gray Fellows Program is to recruit and retain individuals from gender, racial, ethnic, and other groups underrepresented in the life sciences, including those individuals from disadvantaged backgrounds. 

Howard Hughes Medical Institute: Investigator Program (Deadline: September 2, 2021) 

HHMI employs and supports more than 250 Investigators, who are based at over 60 universities, colleges, and other research institutions across the US. In addition to their research programs, HHMI Investigators participate in educational activities and hold leadership roles at these host institutions. (Deadline: Ongoing) 
Search and apply for competitive grant opportunities from all federal grant-making agencies  

NIH Institutional Training Grants (Deadline: Ongoing) 

Includes research and training grants and fellowship opportunities (including international) to trainees at the undergraduate, graduate, and postdoctoral levels. 

National Biosafety & Biocontainment Training Program (Deadline: August 2022) 

NBBTP is a 2 year program to train fellows to work in high containment research environments by acquiring knowledge and skills necessary to meet the scientific, regulatory, biocontainment, biosafety, engineering, communications, management, and public relations challenges associated with the conduct of research in these facilities.     

Dissemination and Implementation Research in Health (R01, Clinical Trial Optional) (Deadline: Ongoing) 
The purpose of this Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is to support innovative approaches to identifying, understanding, and developing strategies for overcoming barriers to the adoption, adaptation, integration, scale-up and sustainability of evidence-based interventions, tools, policies, and guidelines. 

Dissemination and Implementation Research in Health (R21, Clinical Trial Optional) (Deadline: Ongoing)  
The purpose of this Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is to support innovative approaches to identifying, understanding, and developing strategies for overcoming barriers to the adoption, adaptation, integration, scale-up and sustainability of evidence-based interventions, tools, policies, and guidelines. 

Maximizing Opportunities for Scientific and Academic Independent Careers (MOSAIC) Postdoctoral Career Transition Award to Promote Diversity (K99/R00 Independent Clinical Trial Not Allowed) (Deadline: October 27, 2021)

The purpose of the Maximizing Opportunities for Scientific and Academic Independent Careers (MOSAIC) Postdoctoral Career Transition Award to Promote Diversity (K99/R00) program is to support a cohort of early career, independent investigators from diverse backgrounds conducting research in NIH mission areas. The MOSAIC K99/R00 program will provide independent NIH research support before and after this transition to help awardees launch successful, independent research careers. Additionally, MOSAIC K99/R00 scholars will be part of organized scientific cohorts and will be expected to participate in mentoring, networking, and professional development activities coordinated by MOSAIC Institutionally-Focused Research Education Award to Promote Diversity (UE5) grantees.

Maximizing Opportunities for Scientific and Academic Independent Careers (MOSAIC) Postdoctoral Career Transition Award to Promote Diversity (K99/R00 - Independent Clinical Trial Required) (Deadline: October 27, 2021)

The purpose of the Maximizing Opportunities for Scientific and Academic Independent Careers (MOSAIC) Postdoctoral Career Transition Award to Promote Diversity (K99/R00) program is to support a cohort of early career, independent investigators from diverse backgrounds conducting research in NIH mission areas. The MOSAIC K99/R00 program will provide independent NIH research support before and after this transition to help awardees launch successful, independent research careers. This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is designed specifically for applicants proposing to serve as the lead investigator of an independent clinical trial, a clinical trial feasibility study, or a separate ancillary clinical trial, as part of their research and career development.

NIAID New Innovators Awards (DP2 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) (Deadline: October 14, 2021; October 14, 2022) 
The NIAID New Innovator Awards supports post-doctoral investigators of exceptional creativity who propose highly innovative bold new research with the potential to produce a major impact on broad, important problems in biomedical research of priority to NIAID.  

American Society for Microbiology Student Fellowships(Deadline: Ongoing) 
Opportunities for students, postdoctoral fellows, and early and mid-career scientists interested in fellowships for conducting research and participating in activities that encourage professional growth. 

National Institutes of Health Training Programs in the Biomedical Sciences  (Deadline: Ongoing) 
NIH offers many opportunities for students of all degree levels to conduct research on the NIH campus.  Programs include short-term and longer commitments for college, post-bac, graduate and post-doctoral level scholars.  The programs for medical and dental students include the NIH Clinical Research Training Program (CRTP), the HHMI-NIH Research Scholars Program and the NIH Clinical Electives Program. 

NIH Career Development Award  (Deadline: Ongoing) 
Also known as K awards, career development awards are usually mentored research awards given by each institute and designed for individuals who have not yet obtained an independent research award. 

NIH Loan Repayment Program(Deadline: Ongoing) 
Application for the loan repayment program is available for researchers who commit to at least two years of qualified research in the extramural or intramural program.  Qualified research includes clinical and pediatric, and NIH will pay up to $35,000 per year of student loan debt. 

Gilead Medical Affairs Investigator Sponsored Research (Deadline: Ongoing) 
Gilead provides ISR grants primarily in our therapeutic areas of expertise and based on the scientific merit of the proposal. The research must be intended to contribute knowledge to the medical community, and will be reviewed by a Gilead cross functional committee.