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Guidelines for Science Speaks contributors

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Contributors should have experience in ID research, clinical care, policy, funding or advocacy and the desire to tell a compelling story from their own perspective, in their own voice. Our primary audience is IDSA and HIVMA members, but a secondary audience includes the broader group of professionals with an interest in ID, HIV and related policy issues. Keeping the Science Speaks audience and mission in mind, potential contributors should identify an ID-related topic or development for which they can provide a timely, engaging and informed perspective and submit their proposal through IDSA’s website.

After discussing the proposed post with IDSA staff for approval, draft your submission, submit it via email and be available to answer questions. Posts should be no longer than 800 words, and shorter posts are welcome. Links to related resources or information are encouraged. Please include an author headshot and a brief bio (less than 200 words). Additional images or graphics relevant to the post that are not protected by copyright are also welcome. Posts are published based on our overall editorial calendar but generally no sooner than within 2-3 days of receipt.
